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Natural Healthy Bath Recipes

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 1:11 AM

1 cup Epsom salts

1/4 cup kosher salt or sea salt, coarsely ground (available in many grocery stores)

Food Coloring

Essential Oils, such as peppermint, coconut, or bitter orange (optional)

Mix together the Epsom salts and kosher or sea salt. Add a few drops of your favorite color and stir well to blend. (Blue and green are pretty shades to use.) If you would like to scent your bath salts, add a few drops of the essential oils.

Pour the salts into a container with a lid or into a resealable plastic bag and close tightly. When you are drawing a bath, add about 1/4 cup of these bath salts under the running water.

Note: You may substitute cornstarch or baking soda for the kosher salt in this recipe.

Natural Beauty at Home by Janice Cox.

Cleopatra Honey & Milk Bath

• 1/2 Cup Powdered Milk

• 1/2 Cup Raw Honey

• 2 teaspoon Jojoba Oil (optional)

Mix ingredients in a large bowl and pour your warm bath. Soak for up to 20 minutes to infuse these beneficial ingredients in your skin. This recipe makes enough for one bath.

How to Create Natural Scents for Your Bath or Shower
By Lill Hawkins
Some people love to take long, luxurious baths. Others can't wake up without a shower in the morning. Whichever you prefer, hydrotherapy, in the form of a bath or shower, is something almost everyone enjoys. There's nothing better for waking us up in the morning than a nice, hot shower. And there's nothing better for relaxing our bodies and soothing our minds into restful sleep than a bath before we go to bed. It lowers our body temperature and prepares us for sleep, naturally.
Scented Bath Salts
When I want to relax, I take a bath with these bath salts. I've been making them since the 70's when I sold them at craft fairs. Now I make them for my own enjoyment. They're so simple to make and leave your skin soft and silky. Kids love to watch them color the bath water and they're not irritating like commercial kids' bath products can be.
2 Cups Sea Salt, Kosher Salt or Rock Salt
20 Drops Essential Oil
Add the essential oil to the salt. Spread it out on a cookie sheet covered with tin foil or parchment paper. (Don't use paper towels, because they'll absorb the scented oil.) When it's dry, which may take as long as 24 hours or as little as 3, pour it into a pretty glass jar with a cover. If you like colored bath salts, use a couple of TBSPS of beet juice, or non-toxic food coloring to the salts with the essential oil. You can find non-toxic food coloring at Health Food Stores. To use, just scoop out about a half-cup and add to running water.
Remember, scent is a very personal thing. It's wonderful to surround yourself with it in your own home. But it's considerate to keep it very light or just not use it in public.
Scented Shower Gel
1 Cup Water
1 ½ Cups Liquid Glycerine Soap, Scented (Dr. Bronner's or any natural brand)
2 TBSP Finely Milled Sea Salt
Natural Food Coloring (optional)
Add liquid soap to water. Do not add water to liquid soap, because you'll have a kitchen full of suds. Stir in salt and coloring, if you want it. If it separates, shake gently before using.
Variations: Use unscented liquid soap and add about 20 drops of essential oil to it. Or add a stick of cinnamon, a tsp of ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, coconut or chocolate extract. Store in a shampoo bottle.
Simple Soothing Milk and Honey Bath
2 Cups of Dry Milk Powder (I use organic)
2 TBSP of Dried Honey Powder (I use HoneySweet Brand)
2 Cups of Finely Processed Oats (I use my food processor)
12-20 drops of essential oil (I use half lavender and half rose)
Mix milk and honey powder in large bowl. I use a whisk. Add essential oil, mix well and put in a plastic bag or tightly covered jar. Let the powder absorb the oil for at least 24 hours. Add ½ cup under the tap while you're running your bath. This is a good bath powder for children, although I omit the essential oil for children under 2, just in case it irritates them.
Looking for Natural, Organic and Green information? Get craft ideas, recipes and formulas for homemade household helpers. Lill's List is your resource for everything that's good for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
1:11 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Healthy Bath Tips

Today I'd like to share four healthy bath tips you can use to save money.

Why spend an arm and a leg on expensive bath products when you can whip up wonderful bath ingredients from your own kitchen?

Ginger Bath
Peel and coarsely chop an inch of whole ginger. Put in an old stocking, tying one or both ends to keep the ginger inside. Place in a tub with very warm running water. A ginger bath will help to detox your body and soothe your skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Add half a cup of vinegar to your bath to help combat fatigue and invigorate the body.

Baking Soda Bath

To relieve itching and various skin irritations, add a half of a box of bicarbonate of soda to your bath. A soothing baking soda bath is also great for sunburn.

Milk Bath

Add 1 cup of instant milk powder to your bath to make your skin silky soft. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to relax you before bed.

I learned these healthy bath tips from my friend Victoria, the creator of Tooth Soap.

That's all for today.
1:10 AM | 2 komentar | Read More

More Relax in the Bathroom

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 14, 2011 | 8:22 AM

Want to spend time to relax and unwind at home? Try doing the following rituals in the bath:

* Use aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has proven to be refreshing, soothing, and relieving stress. Scents also can stimulate our immune system, and also keep you from flu and cold in the rainy season. Aromatherapy consists of various forms, such as gels, bubble bath, candles, up to scrubs. Try also exist in salt aromatherapy bath. In addition to removing the stress, can also make the body does not tense.

* Use wax therapy. No need to spend a lot of money to provide for the home. If you are looking for things that can liven up the atmosphere in the house, just buy some beautiful candles at a cheap price at the nearest supermarket. To be able to relax, take your pick scent of lavender, sandalwood (sandalwood), or bergamot, which can lower your blood pressure to normal position and make you come back excited. Place near the bath tub, or in bedrooms.

* Bath foam. Is there a more enjoyable and relaxing than a bubble bath with your partner? This is one way to relax in the room is limited, and playing with her foam. Prepare your own recipes to enjoy a nice bath with your partner. Combine 3 / 4 fill your liquid soap or bubble bath with the dye color to suit your taste. Add oil, for example, the scent of lavender one drop until you feel the fragrance enough. Finally, sprinkle with rose petals, and start relaxing.

* Treatment for hair conditioner. Maybe your partner will not notice the state of your hair. But the recipes below may be fun, and become an unforgettable moment with him, than spend the time to the salon on Sunday morning. To create a mask avocado and coconut oil: Mix 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, and 1 / 2 tablespoons of avocado that has been refined. Add 1 / 4 cup coconut oil, and let it soak in the hair for 15-20 minutes. Perform turns with a partner.

* Facial with fruits. Fruit is the best ingredients for your skin. Vitamins and minerals contained in it makes your skin feeling soft and smooth. Each of the fruits have their efficacy mansing. But to get a quick facial, use a banana. How: ripe banana puree, then add 2 teaspoons of honey. To make it more smooth add 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

* Soaking the feet. The foot is the busiest part of your body every day. So it's important to keep them healthy. Use a salt that contains mint which could give a cold sensation in the feet. The feet are tired so much more Ringa, odor disappeared.

* Manicure and pedicure. It may be a bit strange doing manicure and pedicure with your partner. But you do not need to be put nail polish or a French manicure. You can give the massage on the feet and hands by using the tool of a tennis ball or a wooden massage tool. While the he can help you to put nail polish on your nails. Also make sure his fingers massaging you.

* Oil massage. Massage is one of the therapy. But it would be better if that massaging your partner. Use a soothing massage oil, that smells like jasmine.

* Red wine. Many people say, eat an apple a day keeps your body more healthy. It would seem to apply also in beverages (red wine). Research has proven that a glass (just 1 cup) red wine will provide antioxidant and protects the arteries in your heart.

* Scrub. There are hundreds of types of scrubs. But not all can make you and your partner get the sensation. For that, you can create their own herb scrub is right for you. Combine half a bottle of bath salts with half a bottle of olive oil. Then drops of aromatherapy oils with the scent of jasmine and sandalwood.

* Massage the head. Massage does not just stop at the shoulders and neck. Make a well in the head, which can stimulate the brain to be more relaxed. How, massage and press the following line from the top of head to head to the back of the shoulder. Do alternately.
8:22 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Singing in the Bathroom Sounds Good for Muscles

Here are some ways to care for the sound:

1. Drink more. Humidity in the larynx is required for sound to vibrate properly. Vocal cords will be dampened by such a fluid made by the salivary glands in the vicinity. The body must stay hydrated to make this lubrication. Epstein advised to drink 1.5 liters of water a day at intervals of every 15 minutes.

2. Avoid spicy foods. Common causes of damage to the sound is stomach acid flowing from the stomach into the esophagus. This can irritate and dry the throat, according to John Rubin, an expert in ENT and the British Voice Association president-elect. Saliva becomes more dense, making it more difficult for the vocal cords vibrate. Avoid foods that can irritate the stomach, such as onions, chili, sodas, and chocolate. At least, avoid eating two hours before bed so the stomach has time to digest.

3. Singing in the bathroom. This is the best way to protect the voice, by keeping the muscles in the larynx remained strong, while the steam melubrikasi ballot box. "Singing the gymnastic exercises for voice," said Andrew McCombe, ENT surgeon at Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey. Neuromuscular control and coordination that you need to make sound used in a good way.

Join the choir is also a fun car ayang to treat your voice. No wonder when the voices of professional singers last long, because the muscles get used trained voice.

4. No shouting. Yelling can make the vocal cords are inflamed, and makes it difficult to close properly. This causes the larynx to work harder, causing fatigue and discomfort in the muscles. Professions such as teachers, traders, factory workers, and employees crowded restaurant, including the risk of this problem. If the profession requires you often shout, voice rest for 5 minutes every hour. When he was clubbing, do not talk to your friends that were located more than your arm length. Although rare, can also cause bleeding screaming vocals that will cause permanent damage to the sound.

5. Improve your posture. Sitting in a degenerate condition can cause the entire voice channel changing. You may also be difficult to draw a deep breath, and make the vocal cords to work harder to make a sound. Stand up straight, say "i". Then, lean your head forward and say the same letters. You will feel the changes. Exercises such as pilates will strengthen the abdominal muscles and help you breathe more deeply. Thus, there is better air flow as it passes through the voice box, and create a stronger tone.
8:21 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Relaxation with Bath Salts

Do not Sepelekan salt bath in your kitchen. These small objects have large benefits for health care. Moreover, if the high salt-containing minerals are formulated with essential oils of different aromas, surfactants, and enzymes. Center for Pharmaceutical Technology and Medika BPPT take advantage of this by creating a salt bath.

"Salt bath can be formulated by using table salt or sea salt, then mixed with the scent of essential oils according to taste," said Idah. Mixture of essential oils, he said, provided an additional benefit that is more relaxed body.

How to use bath salts
If you find a bath salt products on the market, or order direct local products engineered BPPT, there are several options how to use.

* Dissolve the salt bath (the content of 25 grams), 1-2 in a warm water bottle to approximately 150 liters (bathtub) to soak.
* Dissolve the salt bath (the content of 25 grams), 1 bottle into warm water approximately 30 liters in the container bucket to soak the feet.

"If there is no bathtub in the home, bath salts can also be dissolved in a bucket in large sizes, and is used for bathing," said Idah.

BPPT formulations of bath salts are available with numerous options such as green apple flavor, jasmine, lemon, rose, lavender, and bergamot.

Benefits of bath salts
Bath salts are formulated by local researchers BPPT is different from existing products on the market. This product is not simply a given dye bath salts and aromatherapy. In general, the salt bath has a property clean up the body in the bath soaking, causing the atmosphere relaxed, and reduce stress.

While the content of mineral bath salts, clear Idah, serves to flex its muscle tension, reduce muscle pain, reduce symptoms of inflammation, and cure infections. Meanwhile, bath salts which contain enzymes useful for the beauty. Benefits, clean, smooth, and soften the skin (cleansing), stimulated the growth of skin cells, rejuvenate, and maintain skin softness.
8:20 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Tekan Perceraian dengan Mandi Bareng

Terengganu State Government, Malaysia, will offer "classes love" for couples to stay together, including encouraging them to take a bath together in order to enhance intimacy. The state government was worried about the divorce rate continues to soar.

Muhammad Ramli Nuh, a member of the state legislature, on Monday (2 / 11), said the government will hire consultants to conduct workshops of personality in order to prepare advice to the wives so that they remain attractive, including the use of perfume and lingerie to sex life they were still excited. As for the husbands are encouraged to wear pajamas, clean and deodorize the body.

Muhammad Ramli said the state also will invite manufacturers of cosmetics to create a special beraroma perfume that could help "maintain" happiness in marriage.

The state government has also urged the couple to spend time together, including the prayer, eating, and bathing. "Time together they should not only when sleeping in bed," said Muhammad Ramli.

He did not disclose the data of divorces in Terengganu. However, he said, "That's an issue that must be dealt with." This plan sounded bold considering that Malaysia is a relatively conservative country. People generally do not discuss their private lives openly.
8:18 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

The importance of Si He Bathroom Together

When asked what his favorite moments with the show every night Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore says, "Bathe together, or swimming in pools without wearing clothes, and watching TV while hugging."
You certainly know that every couple needs to spend time together, for a harmonious relationship is maintained. Unfortunately, many couples (especially those who have had children) who let other things take precedence, rather than prioritizing their relationship. If this continues the habit, over time spark of love can fade.

One way to keep the spark it stays on is to inject passion and adventure into your relationship, and not make the intimacy and sex just obligations. Maybe another couple will choose the adventure by returning to nature, hiking, the beach, or cycling out of town. But there are simpler ways to create an "adventure" is. Dating and bath together as did Demi and Ashton, for example.

If you feel able to pamper themselves when to linger in the shower, imagine what you can do with her husband. Soak in the tub combines a fragrant aroma, sight and touch, which makes your body relax, while stimulating and satisfying to you and your partner. Bathing in the shower was no less fun, because you can massage and soaping each other. As a result, the body becomes clean, and the stress was gone.
A key benefit of shared bath are also more than just cleanse the body and evoke eroticism with the couple. The bathroom is the most personal space, so should you and your partner can talk more intimately about things that were not you talking about in the middle of your work.

Vanessa Minnillo (30), hosts the show True Beauty, is one of the celebrities who realize the true benefits of this shared bath. In Parade magazine, he reveals his custom shower in the shower twice a day with her fiance, Nick Lachey (36). They used to bathe in the morning, then again in the afternoon or before bed. As he soaped and washed each other's hair, they use this moment to talk intimately.
8:17 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

5 Good Habits in the Bathroom

what people are doing so at home languishing for one hour in the bathroom? Apparently, not just the body wash or shampoo, but also perform the following good habits.

Prevent acne on your back
Exfoliate, or peeling, the skin every few days. Helpful to prevent acne popping up in your body (not only in the face!). Wear gloves, loofah or body scrub made with sugar content (sugar is lighter than salt) to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne.

Spend about two minutes to stretch your lower back to release tension in the mind and your muscles. Do the squat movement (legs opened slightly wider than shoulders, body position would humbly like to sit) as he spread his hands in front of the body. Let the warm water, patting your lower back, giving a relaxing massage sensation. The heat is an effective natural treatment to cope with tension or muscle pain, and make the sessions more effective stretch.

Loosen nasal congestion
Warm bath can help you loosen nasal congestion due to colds or sinus infections. If the condition is severe, take a neti pot or bowl of hot water into the bathroom. Bow your head over a bowl of hot water, then breathe in the heat of the steam for five minutes. Then, fill your bowl with salt, and use water from the shower to create the right temperature. Steam heat can not only make you breathe easier, you also will not spend a tissue because it must issue a snot.

Eliminate dandruff
To eradicate dandruff naturally, make a mixture of these ingredients: a cup of apple cider vinegar and half a cup of warm water. After shampooing, pour this mixture on the head, then massage your hair and scalp. It is more easily done in the bathroom to prevent water vinegar spilled everywhere. You do not need to rinse your hair, unless you can not stand the smell.

Cracked heels and rough scrub
Cold air can cause the skin to be rough, especially on the hands and feet. Because always touching a hard surface, leather soles of the feet became hard and dry. If it were so, the heel had cracked and sometimes painful. For that, you can eliminate the dry skin by rubbing with a pumice stone in the bathroom. When the leg is still in a state of wet, the skin becomes softer and the rough more easily removed.
8:14 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger